Sunday, December 6, 2020

Post 4

 It is not surprising that the mainstream media is rarely critical of the military actions of our country. If you look at it from the perspective of the government then you would be very appreciative if the media would not report on your mistakes and ineptitudes in a military operation or conflict. This would present a divided front that could be easily exploited by a foreign entity in order to destroy or hurt a given nation. While I understand this practice and the purpose of this practice, I do not find it to be ethical. I wouldn't say that we never heard of the writers for websites such as or, and I would actually say we hear about them constantly and through mainstream sources. The issue is that we never hear about them in a positive manner. They are only ever referenced as "the radical left" or "the far right". They are portrayed as these insane individuals that are devoid of any sense or ability to form a logical thought. This is because they not only make the federal government look less than perfect, but they also would lessen the political divide in our public and would limit the money that would be made by the politically endorsed mainstream media sources as they make money off of the political and socioeconomic division of the American people. This is why mainstream media pages work on several fronts in order to suppress these voices. They run their own smear campaigns against these antiwar publications, and they pay search engines such as Google to push those links for these smaller publications so far down in the search results that the average American would never put in the work to read their content. 

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