Friday, August 28, 2020

Post 1 My News Sources

My top five sources of news are:
2.Donut Operator
3. Colion Noir
5. The Joe Rogan Experience

1. I use the BBC website ( for the vast majority of my United States and International political news. They are not a US based corporation thus they are less susceptible to interference on behalf of a US political party. The BBC also can not afford to have inaccurate information posted as it would ruin their reputation and threaten their monopoly on news in the UK.

2. I use Donut Operator ( as a basis for review of police related incidents here in the US. His extensive research and ability to obtain every possibly angle of a situation provides for the most clear view of a situation, often times giving far more context than those in the situation even had. His more light hearted content is also a great pallet cleanser from his more serious content.

3. Colion Noir is a former NRA spokesman and current lawyer with an extensive knowledge of firearm policy as well as criminal law in general. His explanations of various concepts in marksmanship as well as his explanations for proposed policy is able to give common people a much more clear idea of what exactly they would be voting for or against. (

4. I use ESPN for my sports news as they have the largest network of analysts, recordings, and sports to keep their viewers not only entertained, but also informed. They offer an incredibly varied selection of viewpoints on the stories they cover given the sheer amount of employees they have.  Their documentary series also will cover incredible stories in an unmatched level of detail. (

5. I listen to the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast for a multitude of reasons. I am a huge fan of mixed martial arts and Joe is one of the best commentators to ever call the sport. His knowledge is rarely paralleled by anyone else in the field. Joe also brings on a plethora of guests from various backgrounds and perspectives in field such as comedians, doctors, philosophers, writers, actors, speakers, fighters, physicists, CEO’s, and many more. His show is also just extremely funny to me. His sense of humor is very similar to mine and he offers such great and interesting stories both from himself and his guests. (

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