I would say that I have an average or just below average online footprint. I have a Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Google. I have my name connected to some of these accounts and some of those gaming accounts have my banking information associated in order for me to purchase games. My spam email account has been given to these site for the sole purpose of password recovery. That email is used for password recovery and online shopping coupon codes. The last time I looked, that email had over twelve thousand unread messages.
A visitor to my social media pages could easily determine that I am a single college age male living in the united states who enjoys the outdoors, gaming, movies, cars, sports, and fitness.
I do feel that Facebook, other social media, and our connection to our phones is making us a more lonely and depressed society. There is data from the CDC showing that teens suicide rates and reporting of mental illness has skyrocketed since 2010. This is touched on in The Social Dilemma, social media companies are designed to make you lonelier without you noticing. You get a small hit of dopamine every time a notification goes off but that makes a lack of notifications give you a lack of dopamine. A person will then wait by their phone and ignore the easy sources of face to face human interaction, which provides a much larger dopamine hit, and sit in a depressed solitude waiting for the ping of a like or a comment.
Click Here for The Social DilemmaClick Here for CDC reports