Monday, December 7, 2020


 I am incredibly disappointed however I am not surprised by these Ted Talks. We have not had any privacy for a very long time and we do not seem to really care. We claim that we do, but then turn around and elect the same officials and allow them to continue to destroy and trample upon our rights. My mom had gotten an Amazon Echo and my brother and I were horrified because Jeff Bezos now has a wire tap into my home. My mom argues well why should we care? We are not doing anything wrong. I would argue back that throughout history under authoritarian style high surveillance regimes, the definition of what is wrong can be changed on a whim. The way that our government is set up, the shift to an authoritarian system is not easy and must be done subtly. US politicians leverage national and international tragedies to do two things: get more power, and line their own pockets. 

Earlier this year there was the court evaluation of the several surveillance acts that were exposed by Edward Snowden and others. In this instance of the government investigating themselves, they actually did find that their program had not one time in the thirty years of it's existence been the determining factor in the prevention of a terrorist attack on the United States. Then the programs are reinstated. I do not understand how things like this can happen in a supposedly free society. Where is the accountability and where is government for the people?

Click here for the Snowden movie trailer

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